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We generally aim for a test coverage of ~80%. This is also true for new code introduced through pull requests. We value integration tests more than unit tests, and try to avoid using mocks as much as possible. If reaching the 80% test coverage requires us to write tests that don't really test anything meaningful, or require loads of mocking, we rather take lower coverage than writing those tests.

We use Testcontainers, Wiremock, and GreenMail to test how the system interacts with the outside world.

Unit Tests





To reduce execution time of the test suite in CI, the PostgreSQL Testcontainer is reused. While tables are truncated after each test, sequences (e.g. for ID columns) won't be reset. As a consequence, you should not assert on IDs of database records.


There are currently no unit tests for the frontend.

Integration Tests


Integration tests in the hyades repository are implemented as @QuarkusIntegrationTest. As such, they are executed against an actual build artifact (JAR, container, or native executable).

Class names of integration tests are suffixed with IT instead of Test.


Integration tests can be launched individually through your IDE, or all at once using Maven:

mvn -pl '!e2e' clean verify failsafe:integration-test -DskipITs=false

To limit the test run to specific modules, use -pl <module>, for example:

mvn -pl vulnerability-analyzer clean verify failsafe:integration-test -DskipITs=false

Execution in CI

In CI, integration tests are executed:

  • Against all JARs, as part of the CI / Test workflow
  • Against native executables, as part of the CI / Test Native Image workflow(s)

Both workflows run for pushes and pull requests to the main branch.


The API server repository does not currently differentiate between unit- and integration-tests.


There are currently no integration tests for the frontend.

End-to-End Tests

End-to-End tests spin up containers for all services of the system. The test environment is torn down and rebuilt for every test case. Containers are started and managed using Testcontainers.

The tests are located in the e2e module of the hyades repository. Container images used are defined in the AbstractE2ET class.

Image versions can be overwritten using the following environment variables:



Tests can be launched individually through your IDE, or all at once using Maven:

mvn -pl e2e clean verify -Pe2e-all

To test against local changes:

  1. Build container images for the modified services
  2. Update the image tags in AbstractE2ET accordingly
  3. Run e2e tests as detailed above

Execution in CI

In CI, end-to-end tests are executed for every push to the main branch, as well as every night at 12AM.

They can additionally be run manually, via the GitHub Actions UI. Both the API server and Hyades version can be customized before execution.

Manual Tests

Docker Compose

The easiest way to test the entire system is by using Docker Compose.

A docker-compose.yml file is provided in the DependencyTrack/hyades repository.

Without any profile specified, docker compose up -d will launch:

  • PostgreSQL
  • Kafka (currently Redpanda)
  • Kafka UI (currently Redpanda Console)

To launch Dependency-Track services, use the demo profile:

docker compose up -d --profile demo

To test different versions of the services, simply modify the image property of the respective Compose service.

API Server

When testing changes that are limited to the API server, such as updates to the REST API, it's possible to launch the API server in dev services mode:

mvn -Penhance -Pdev-services jetty:run -Dlogback.configurationFile=src/main/docker/logback.xml

The container images used may be configured via: