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Migrating from v4


If you're currently running a Dependency-Track v4 deployment, don't worry!

We're aiming to provide tooling and guides on how to migrate to v5 once it reaches general availability. The goal is to offer tools that perform the migration automatically, with little to no manual effort (except the provisioning of infrastructure of course).


Follow for updates on this topic.

Running v4 and v5 in parallel

Given an existing production deployment of v4, it can be helpful to run a v5 test deployment in parallel, to compare behavior and testing new features on real data.

This can be achieved by leveraging notifications, in particular BOM_PROCESSED notifications. They are emitted by Dependency-Track after a BOM's contents are synchronized with the database.

The subject of BOM_PROCESSED notifications contains the original BOM that way uploaded, encoded in Base64. It also contains the name and version of the project it was uploaded to. This information is sufficient to construct a BOM upload request, that can be submitted to another Dependency-Track instance.

All that's needed is an application that can:

  • Receive Webhooks, and parse the JSON payload within them
  • Perform a mapping from notification subject, to BOM upload request
  • Forward the BOM upload request to another Dependency-Track instance

This can, of course, be scripted. However, we recommend using Bento, which reduces it all to a single config file.


You can use the same approach outlined here to construct a pre-prod / staging environment.

Conceptually, this is what the setup will accomplish:

    Client->>DT v4: Upload BOM<br/>PUT /api/v1/bom
    DT v4->>DT v4: Validate and<br/>Process
    DT v4->>Bento: Notification<br/>BOM_PROCESSED
    Bento->>Bento: Map to BOM<br/>upload request
    Bento->>DT v5: Upload BOM<br/>PUT /api/v1/bom
    DT v5->>DT v5: Validate and<br/>Process

Creating API Key

In order to upload BOMs to the Dependency-Track v5 system, an API key with BOM_UPLOAD and PROJECT_CREATION_UPLOAD permissions is required. Log into your Dependency-Track v5 instance, navigate to Administration -> Access Management -> Teams, and create a new team with accompanying API key:

Creating an API key for Bento in Dependency-Track v5

Deploy Bento

Bento works with the concept of pipelines, which are configured via YAML.
The following pipeline will achieve the desired outcome:

    path: /notification/bom-processed
    - POST
    timeout: 5s
      status: "202"

  - mapping: |
      root.projectName =
      root.projectVersion = this.notification.subject.project.version
      root.projectTags = this.notification.subject.project.tags.split(",").catch([]).map_each(tag -> {"name": tag}) =
      root.autoCreate = true

    url: "${DTV5_API_URL}/api/v1/bom"
    verb: PUT
      Content-Type: application/json
      X-Api-Key: "${DTV5_API_KEY}"
    max_in_flight: 10
    # tls:
    #  skip_cert_verify: true
    #  ^-- Uncomment this if you're using self-signed certificates.

Refer to the respective pipeline component's documentation for more details:

Run Bento as container:

docker run -d --name bento \
    -p "4195:4195" \
    -v "$(pwd)/config.yaml:/bento.yaml" \
    -e 'DTV5_API_URL=' \
    -e 'DTV5_API_KEY=odt_****************' \

Configure Notification

Log into your Dependency-Track v4 instance, navigate to Administration -> Notifications -> Alerts, and create a new alert with the following settings:

  • Scope: Portfolio
  • Notification level: Informational
  • Publisher: Outbound Webhook

Creating a new alert in Dependency-Track v4

Once created, enable BOM_PROCESSED under Groups, and configure the URL of your Bento endpoint as Destination:

Configuring the alert in Dependency-Track v4


  • Upload a BOM to a project in your Dependency-Track v4 instance.
  • Head over to your Dependency-Track v5 instance and wait for the upload to replicate.

If all goes well, you're done! Happy testing!


If the BOM upload does not replicate:

  1. Check the logs of your Dependency-Track v4 deployment for any errors during notification publishing.
  2. Check the logs of Bento for any errors or warnings.
  3. Check the logs of your Dependency-Track v5 deployment for any errors during BOM processing.
  4. Ensure that the API key you created has the correct permissions.
  5. Ensure that Bento is reachable from your Dependency-Track v4 deployment.
  6. Ensure that your Dependency-Track v5 deployment is reachable from Bento.