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Dependency-Track allows policy conditions to be defined using the Common Expression Language (CEL), enabling more flexibility, and more control compared to predefined conditions.

To use CEL, simply select the subject Expression when adding a new condition. A code editor will appear in which expressions can be provided.

CEL condition

In addition to the expression itself, it's necessary to specify a violation type, which may be any of License, Operational, or Security. The violation type aids in communicating what kind of risk is introduced by the condition being matched.


The CEL syntax is similar to other C-style languages like Java and JavaScript. However, CEL is not Turing-complete. As such, it does not support constructs like if statements or loops (i.e. for, while).

As a compensation for missing loops, CEL offers macros like all, exists, exists_one, map, and filter. Refer to the macros documentation for more details, or have a look at the examples to see how they may be utilized in practice.

CEL syntax is described thoroughly in the official language definition.

Evaluation Context

Conditions are scoped to individual components.
Each condition is evaluated for every single component in a project.

The context in which expressions are evaluated in contains the following variables:

Variable Type Description
component Component The component being evaluated
project Project The project the component is part of
vulns list(Vulnerability) Vulnerabilities the component is affected by

Best Practices

  1. Keep expressions simple and concise. The more complex an expression becomes, the harder it gets to determine why it did or did not match. Use policy operators (Any, All) to chain multiple expressions if practical.
  2. Call functions last. Custom functions involve additional computation that is more expensive than simple field accesses. Performing any checks on fields first, and calling functions last, oftentimes allows evaluation to short-circuit.
  3. Remove conditions that are no longer needed. Dependency-Track analyzes the configured expressions to determine what data it has to load from the database in order to evaluate them. The more fields are being accessed, the more data has to be loaded. Removal of outdated conditions thus has a direct positive performance impact.


Component blacklist

The following expression matches on the Component's Package URL, using a regular expression in RE2 syntax. Additionally, it checks whether the Component's version falls into a given vers range, consisting of multiple constraints.

  && component.matches_range("vers:maven/>0|<1|!=0.2.4")

The expression will match:

  • pkg:maven/com.acme/acme-lib@0.1.0
  • pkg:maven/com.acme/acme-lib@0.9.9

but not:

  • pkg:maven/com.acme/acme-library@0.1.0
  • pkg:maven/com.acme/acme-lib@0.2.4

matches_range currently supports the following versioning schemes:

Versioning Scheme Ecosystem
deb Debian / Ubuntu
generic Generic / Any
golang Go
maven Java / Maven
npm JavaScript / NodeJS
rpm CentOS / Fedora / Red Hat / SUSE


If the ecosystem of the component(s) to match against is known upfront, it's good practice to use the according versioning scheme in matches_range. This helps with accuracy, as versioning schemes have different nuances across ecosystems, which makes comparisons error-prone.

Dependency graph traversal

The following expression matches Components that are a (possibly transitive) dependency of a Component with name foo, but only if a Component with name bar is also present in the Project.

component.is_dependency_of(org.dependencytrack.policy.v1.Component{name: "foo"})
  && project.depends_on(org.dependencytrack.policy.v1.Component{name: "bar"})

is_dependency_of and depends_on lookups currently support the following Component fields:

  • uuid
  • group
  • name
  • version
  • purl


When constructing objects like Component on-the-fly, it is necessary to provide their fully qualified name, including the package (i.e. org.dependencytrack.policy.v1). This is required in order to perform type checking, as well as ensuring backward compatibility.

License blacklist

The following expression matches Components that are not internal to the organization, and have either:

  • No resolved License at all
  • A resolved License that is not part of the Permissive license group
!component.is_internal && (
    || component.resolved_license.groups.exisits(licenseGroup,  == "Permissive")

Vulnerability blacklist

The following expression matches Components in Projects tagged as 3rd-party, with at least one Vulnerability being any of the given blacklisted IDs.

"3rd-party" in project.tags
  && vulns.exists(vuln, in [
       "CVE-2017-5638",  // struts RCE
       "CVE-2021-44228", // log4shell
       "CVE-2022-22965", // spring4shell

Vulnerabilities with high severity in public facing projects

The following expression matches Components in Projects tagged as public-facing, with at least one HIGH or CRITICAL Vulnerability, where the CVSSv3 attack vector is Network.

"public-facing" in project.tags
  && vulns.exists(vuln,
    vuln.severity in ["HIGH", "CRITICAL"]
      && vuln.cvssv3_vector.matches(".*/AV:N/.*")




Field Type Description
uuid string Internal UUID
group string Group / namespace
name string Name
version string Version
classifier string Classifier / type
cpe string CPE
purl string Package URL
swid_tag_id string SWID Tag ID
is_internal bool Is internal?
md5 string MD5 hash
sha1 string SHA1 hash
sha256 string SHA256 hash
sha384 string SHA384 hash
sha512 string SHA512 hash
sha3_256 string SHA3-256 hash
sha3_384 string SHA3-384 hash
sha3_512 string SHA3-512 hash
blake2b_256 string BLAKE2b-256 hash
blake2b_384 string BLAKE2b-384 hash
blake2b_512 string BLAKE2b-512 hash
blake3 string BLAKE3 hash
license_name string License name (if unresolved)
license_expression string SPDX license expression
resolved_license License Resolved license


Field Type Description
uuid string Internal UUID
id string SPDX license ID
name string License name
groups list(License.Group) Groups this license is included in
is_osi_approved bool Is OSI-approved?
is_fsf_libre bool Is included in FSF license list?
is_deprecated_id bool Uses a deprecated SPDX license ID?
is_custom bool Is custom / not included in SPDX license list?


Field Type Description
uuid string Internal UUID
name string Group name


Field Type Description
uuid string Internal UUID
group string Group / namespace
name string Name
version string Version
classifier string Classifier / type
is_active bool Is active?
tags list(string) Tags
properties list(Project.Property) Properties
cpe string CPE
purl string Package URL
swid_tag_id string SWID Tag ID
last_bom_import google.protobuf.Timestamp


Field Type Description
group string
name string
value string
type string


Field Type Description
uuid string Internal UUID
id string ID of the vulnerability (e.g. CVE-123)
source string Authoritative source (e.g. NVD)
aliases list(Vulnerability.Alias) Known aliases
cwes list(int) CWE IDs
created google.protobuf.Timestamp When the vulnerability was created
published google.protobuf.Timestamp When the vulnerability was published
updated google.protobuf.Timestamp Then the vulnerability was updated
severity string
cvssv2_base_score double CVSSv2 base score
cvssv2_impact_subscore double CVSSv2 impact sub score
cvssv2_exploitability_subscore double CVSSv2 exploitability sub score
cvssv2_vector string CVSSv2 vector
cvssv3_base_score double CVSSv3 base score
cvssv3_impact_subscore double CVSSv3 impact sub score
cvssv3_exploitability_subscore double CVSSv3 exploitability sub score
cvssv3_vector string CVSSv3 vector
owasp_rr_likelihood_score double OWASP Risk Rating likelihood score
owasp_rr_technical_impact_score double OWASP Risk Rating technical impact score
owasp_rr_business_impact_score double OWASP Risk Rating business impact score
owasp_rr_vector string OWASP Risk Rating vector
epss_score double EPSS score
epss_percentile double EPSS percentile


Field Type Description
id string ID of the vulnerability (e.g. GHSA-123)
source string Authoritative source (e.g. GITHUB)

Function Definitions

In addition to the standard definitions of the CEL specification, Dependency-Track offers additional functions to unlock even more use cases:

Symbol Type Description
depends_on (Project, Component) -> bool Check if Project depends on Component
is_dependency_of (Component, Component) -> bool Check if a Component is a dependency of another Component
matches_range (Project, string) -> bool
(Component, string) -> bool
Check if a Project or Component matches a vers range